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المهندس عبدالدائم الكحيل | الدكتور عبدالله بن مراد العطرجى | بطاقات عطاء الخير |
دروس اليوم | أحاديث اليوم | بطاقات لفلي سمايل |
تسجيل دخول اداري فقط |
السيرة الذاتية هنا لعرض كل مايخص الاعضاء ...لمن يرغب |
انشر الموضوع |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
محمد عرفان ( اليتيم )
Biography Personal Information: Name:Mohammed Ali Mohammed orphan Place and Date of Birth: Yemen/ Hodeidah . excelled in 1976 Nationality: Yamani Marital status: Married, father of three children, two daughters and a son Address:Sana'a / Cairo Street neighborhood mosque Qualifications: (1) Master's degree in Islamic economics very good year (1997 -2000 m) of the Saddam University for Islamic Sciences - Baghdad Iraq In addition to undergraduate (1993 1997) cultural exchange scholarship Master's thesis title: Economic policy in the light of the purposes (Sharia) at a very good (88%) (2) PhD: In the search for acceptance in the prestigious universities. Thesis title: 1): Stock market in the light of the foundations of Islamic economics. 2): Impediments to investment of Islamic banks in Yemen .. Analytical study. 3): of the financial crisis between the problem and the solution in the light of Islamic Economics Research and Languages: Completed many years of research in university and higher professional and the period, including: 1) : Purpose of religion and its role in the activation of civilization 2) :Controls the market in the city of Islamic Economics 3) :Stock Market Islamic vision 4):Islamic insurance and its role in promoting Islamic economy 5): Consumer protection in the light of the purposes of the law 6): Formulas investment in the light of Islamic Economics 7): Investment controls and inhibitors of the basic 8): Credit policy for individuals and small enterprises Languages: fluent Arabic speaker and with distinction (English well) skills and experience: -- • Personal skills:Marketing management, sales management, follow-up and collection of bad debts, foreign exchange, public relations,, electronic commerce, human resources management, portfolio management,management coordination of the branches,audit and review of the daily movement,conference management,academic teaching (Islamic banks - Islamic economy), Setup Studies, research and data collection and analysis,as well as personal skills, (such as reading and watching the news, newspapers, and economic events), public speaking, sports, swimming, archery, crafts, agricultural and electrical Experience:- • work in the Saba Islamic Bank since (2001 -2007 m) work in the Saba Islamic Bank year (2001 -2007 m) to move between branches of the bank and public administration At all (Investment management and portfolio management services and key customers, marketing, banking, and the Coordinating Unit of the branches, audit, monitoring, and debt collection, and supervision of (the Hall of bank) Was working in the main branch and the branch of a branch Hodeidah and Taiz, Hadramout Branch, and assigned to other (Head of Department, and supervisor in most banking) • Mandated to sign-Category (A,B) at work. • Employee experienced in the training program and field theory in the management of credit risk assessment, marketing and services for the banking hall and the banking and customer service and banking transactions and accounts and the Public Treasury and the Department of credits and guarantees, review and audit and follow-up, collection and sales management, procurement and human resources) • Deputy Director of the Branch( Shamil Bank of Yemen &Bahrain) (Islamic Bank) Hodeidah Branch of the year (2007- 2009). The most important experiences gained from work: • Experience in developing strategic plans for marketing of banking services, and financial policies, and investment. • Experience in the formulation of sub-plans for banking services and the achievement of quality and competitiveness and increase profitability • Experience in financial analysis of budget line items for individuals and corporate. • Experience in managing customer deposits and investment portfolios and multiple sources of funding and the quality of its investment. • Experience in the follow-up and collection of bad debts and the black list. • Experience in managing credit risk assessment and analysis. • Experience in knowledge of the legal aspects of banking and human resources according to Yemeni legislation • Experience in managing marketing and sales at the geographical and commercial sectors • Experience in financial control, audit and scrutiny of the daily operations • Experience in the management of special services for senior clients and funding for small businesses • Experience in the art of dealing with the public and public relations • Experience in time management and banking crises and quality • Experience in human resources management (raising the levels of staff and motivate them) • Experience in the computer field in the (swift, windows, word, excel ,internet). • Experience in the computer system ((fox proxy, oracle). programs and training courses in the area of jurisdiction, including: .. N M. Name of course place the period 1 turn it portfolio of Islamic banks the bank 24 hours 2 Department of and dealing with bad debts and doubtful debts the bank 24 hours 3 role of public accounts the bank 24 hours 4 documentary credits (1-2) the bank 24 hours 5 letters of guarantee and guarantees (1-2) the bank 48 hours 6 The economic feasibility study (1-2) Institute 48 hours 7 financial analysis of the financial statements of banks (1 2) Institute of Banking 48 hours 8 Islamic modes of finance ( legitimate and bank) the bank 24 hours 9 Banking facilities the bank 24 hours 10 risk assessment of Credit (1- 2) Institute of Banking 48 hours 11 marketing of banking services (1-2) the bank 48 hours 12 realization of the investment department the bank 48 hours 13 Financial Analysis Institute of Banking the bank 24 hours 14 art of dealing with the public (1 -2) the bank 24 hours 15 assets of the bank marketing the bank 24 hours 16 methods of Islamic banking the bank 24 hours 17 Treasury and bank cashiers the bank 24 hours 18 current accounts and deposits the bank 24 hours 19 bank drafts bank the bank 24 hours 20 Bank of automated services the bank 24 hours 21 Legal Aspects of Banking Bank the bank 24 hours 22 Application of the International Code of International Management Bank the bank 24 hours 23 quality of banking services the bank 24 hours 24 time management, crisis management the bank 8 hours 25 financial analysis of budget items Institute of Banking Institute 24 hours 26 Developed abilities Institute Almagd 24 hours |