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قديم 01-26-2017, 03:15 PM
حور العين حور العين غير متواجد حالياً
Senior Member
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2015
المشاركات: 59,599
افتراضي Madinah: Distractions from the Right Path / خطبتي الجمعة من المسجد النبوي مترجمة

خُطَبّ الحرمين الشريفين
خُطَبّتي الجمعة من المسجد النبوى
مع الشكر للموقع الرسمى للحرمين الشريفين

His Eminence Sheikh Ali ibn Abdur-Rahman al-Huthaifi,
may Allah preserve him, delivered the Friday khutbah entitled,

Distractions from the Right Path
in which he talked about Allah’s never-failing promise
to the believers, the everlasting bliss that Allah, Exalted be He,
has prepared for His obedient servants, and the painful
punishment against which He has warned the disobedient
and disbelievers. Then he mentioned those things which
distract the servant from the path of truth, namely,
one’s lower self, one’s evil whims and desires, Satan,
and the worldly life. In addition, he showed how the servant
may protect himself from these enemies and attain the
good pleasure of Allah, Exalted be He,
and His Paradise on the Day of Judgement.

Praise be to Allah. Praise be to Allah, in Whose Hand lies
all good, and Who is Powerful over all things.
He takes charge of every person and knows all that
he has earned. He will recompense all people in full for
their deeds, and He wrongs not even the weight of a small ant:

(... if there is any good (done),
He doubles it, and gives from Him a great reward )

(An-Nisa’: 40)

I praise my Lord and thank Him for His infinite grace.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone,
Who has no partners, the All-knower, the Well-Acquainted
with all things. I also bear witness that our Prophet and Master,
Muhammad, is His servant and messenger,
the bearer of glad tidings,
the warner, and the lamp spreading light.
O Allah! Bestow Your peace and blessings upon
Your servant and messenger, Muhammad, who was sent
with the Qur’an, the book that gives light, and upon his family
and Companions, through whom Allah granted power and
glory to Islam and humiliated despicable polytheism.

Fear Allah, Exalted be He, by hastening to do all that is
good and by avoiding all that is forbidden so that you will
attain the highest ranks and be saved from destruction.

O Muslims!
Allah has given you the promise of truth. His promise
is never broken, and His judgement is never repelled.
He has promised His obedient servants a good life in this
world and the best of outcomes in the hereafter.
He will allow His pleasure to descend upon them and
make them enjoy the everlasting bliss in the Gardens
of Eternity, with the prophets and the righteous people
who follow the Right Path. Allah, Exalted be He, says:

(And if the people of towns had believed and had
the Taqwa (Piety), certainly, We should have opened
for them blessings from the heaven and the earth ...)

(Al-A‘raf: 96).
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